Recap of Web Engineering...
Well, one of my hobbies is to write HTML and CSS. So I thought to type some code and share that in this blog post. so here you go.. CODE: "ForEnjoyment.html" file <!DOCTYPE html > < html lang= "en" > < head > < meta charset= "UTF-8" > < link type= "text/css" rel= "stylesheet" href= "styleSheet.css" > < title > Just for Fun </ title > </ head > < body > < div class= "a" > < div class= "e" > < div class= "f" > </ div > < div class= "a" > < div class= "b" > < div class= "c" > < div class= "d" > </ div > </ div > </ div >< div class= "b" > <...