Mine your Data
Have you ever wonder what is growing with an increasing rate in the whole world ? Think, think... Yeah right Data is growing with each passing day. Data about what ? Data about each and everything, data about us, about our environment and about the whole air data is growing. I think when you even take a breath, this increases the data. You know what there is something called "Data lake". Now what to do with this data? Look when you have something really useful like Data, what would you do with that? Let me make it simple, if you used to buy ice-cream from one specific mart in Rs.100 and you got to know one more mart who is providing that same ice-cream in Rs.90, then you use to say wow, I can have that ice-cream by saving Rs.10. Now, how did you take that decision, on the basis of what thing?? Absolutely right!! DATA ! So on the basis of data we take decisions, on these decisions our whole life depends. You can ruin your whole life with just a single wrong decisi...