How to shape your career in the freshman year?

Shaping the career from the very start of your four-year degree program is very important. 

Why shape your career from the very start?

When you were a child, you were so energetic towards climbing walls, climbing trees, making mud houses, getting your clothes dirty with mud, spoiling the room walls with pencil, breaking toys and doing other mischievous stuff. And then you get older and wiser.
The point is that when you are at the start of your career then you could have a great margin for risk-taking and for trying out different things that you feel passionate about. And in case you get a failure, still you would have plenty of time to start again in a better and effective way.
But this demands something beforehand,


  • Attitude

One thing that you will require is the attitude. The attitude of giving the right direction to yourself. And Be smart in your decisions.

  • Believe in yourself

You must believe in your abilities, your capabilities, and your capacities. Have a firm belief that your creator has created you a masterpiece. 

  • Have a progressive mindset

Always be eager to apply what you learn, to add value to yours' as well as others life.

  • Have a greater vision

Make it your habit to have a broader view of the picture.

  • Concentrate on getting good grades

If you are studying and seeking knowledge, then this must be reflected in your grades. But remember only getting good grades is not sufficient.

  • Be vigilant

If you are vigilant then you can properly analyze all the opportunities coming in your way.

  • learn from others

Try to learn from others. But never get yourself coated into something superficial. Learn what is good and then move on towards your goal.
Now, let's talk about 6 steps to shape your career from the very start with the help of an example.

The Six-Step Process

Suppose the Idea is: "Team up with 5 like-minded people, and start a software company."


Push your idea in the discussion. Tell your classmates in an email or in a social media group. Or discuss it with your like-minded friends. Consider you got a team of 5 people.  


Do real research at different levels. Do research on google along with your group fellows. In addition to Google, do some ground-level research. Try to approach different successful software companies and observe their work closely, ask particular people who are directly connected to the very domain of your idea. Do market research to its fullest. Do not ask every person blindly, be vigilant.


Create a draft of your idea on a paper or in a digital document. Write everything on the paper, in a way like this:


Again discuss the idea with the people, who you think are wise enough to guide you.


Think again about your idea and ask your teammates to do so. 


Kick off the real work!
In case you don't get like-minded people then give it a try on your own. I know there is a considerable difference between working with a team and following one's trade individually. But people will come along you on your way, just have faith.
Moreover, always remember...
  • This is a part of your life, not the whole life.
  • Set priorities.
  • Pay attention to your studies along.
  • Be a driver of your own car. But sometimes act upon the advice of an experienced driver.
  • Keep your attitude and your intentions in the right direction. (~Honarable Sir Maajid Maqbool)
  • Don't afraid of failures and rejections. Don't get demotivated when you or your idea get rejected. If you believe in yourself then "they" will come to you for upgradation...
  • Be free from inferiority and superiority complex.
  • Help others, always be humble and always be honest!

You will definitely have, what you should have :)


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