
Showing posts from August, 2018

3rd Semester : For Software Engineering Students

One of my juniors, who is about to start her 3rd semester, asked me for some course related videos. I sent her an email. I also want to share that with you. You may find it beneficial. so, here you go... PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS: Video Link: v=kT0865hL1dU&index=12&list= PLJ- ma5dJyAqpSrUIGDy8oT39HjUbLoM2t Video Link: v=9FtHB7V14Fo&list= PL5102DFDC6790F3D0 Video Link: v=Edye4T_lSDE&list= PLauXkHsTK5c8FTwwkzQydT7heXIgp QRN8 Video Link: v=CilB_9ZanpA&list= PLC8478000586FA6F9&t=17 DATA STRUCTURE AND ALGORITHMS: Video Link: v=3fwKlU9AwSY&list= PLfVsf4Bjg79Cu5MYkyJ- u4SyQmMhFeC1C&t=2 Website Link: data-structure-gq/linked-list- gq/ Video Link: v=JTttg85xsbo&index=3&list= PL2_ aWCzGMAwLZp6LMUKI3cc7pgGsa...

Freshman Year : For All Engineering Students

I believe:  "sharing good is caring" , s o, I decided to share some of the important videos, for all the engineering students, who are about to start their first semester especially in NUST .  so here you go.. (Click on The bulleted item, and you will get to the corresponding link) 1. Calculus: First, foremost and the dearest subject of students is "Calculus" , this will make you both cry and smile. So, if you want to do it well ,here are some videos: Professor Leonard: I found it, really helpful 2. Applied Physics: Applied Physics abbreviated as "AP" is the second favorite subject of engineers at NUST (on a lighter note).  Michel van Biezen :  This is the physics vector playlist. You also can watch other AP related videos here: 3. Discrete Mathematics: I took this subject very light, but it isn't, so you need to pu...

Pizza For Free

This is the first version of my code, you can modify it for improvement. I am sharing this code so that you can think about making different kinds of softwares. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- print("|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||") print("") print("\t\t\t\t\t\t WELCOME TO FREE PIZZA MAKER >>> NO MONEY PIZZA") print("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WE BAKE, YOU TAKE") print(" ") print("|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||") orderCount = 0 def pizzaTypesAndSize(orderCount, counterListForPizzaType, counterListForPizzaSize, typeList, sizeList): listComb = [] while(orderCount < 5): #for pizza type print("Please Select the Pizza Type:") countT = 0 for i in (typeList): countT +=1 print(i) print("-----------------------------------------------------...

Turtle : Not Coming Slow

In the above image Mr.Turtle is looking so angry, but don't worry Mr.Turtle, in this blog post we will talk about you, and your family member python ... Python has many family members (libraries) and one of the Graphical User Interface library of python is Turtle Graphics . Have you ever seen Animal Planet and Discovery channels on TV? There discoverers like to discover real pythons and turtles. On the other hand, kids like drawing and coloring them on paper, but programmers are fond of giving commands to computer via python and turtle, and then they make something out of that. Yes, you guessed right! Today we'll have a look at Python Turtle Graphics , so let's begin... Below is a code, which outputs a car and some scenery around it, (Not a real one, just on the screen!) # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from turtle import * #code for drawing car begins pensize(10) color("red","black") begin_fill() forward(150) print(pos()) sety(100) print...

Math Functions : Beginner's Level

In this blog post, we will see how can we create simple Mathematics functions by using python programming Language, so here we go... #You can add comments in the below code and share it in the comment box :) #comments make the code easy to understand def add(a,b): return(a+b) def sub(a,b): return(a-b) def div(a,b): if a == b: return 1 elif b == 0: return ("Math Error: division by zero") else: return(float(a//b)) def mult(a,b): return(a*b) def power(a,b): c = 1 for p in range(0,b): c *= a return(c) def main(): print("-------------------------------------------") print("The available functions are the following: ") print("1-Addition\n2-Subtraction\n3-Division\n4-Multiplication\n5-Power") counter = 0 while(counter < 20): print("-------------------------------------------") print("") option = input("Enter the number from 1-5 corresponding to the above fu...

Coding : A to Z

Let's learn, how to draw A to Z alphabets using python 3.6: #function for drawing alphabets def alphabet(data): str = "O" dot = " " j = -1 #for drawing A if data == "A": for a in range(4,5): print(str) * a for a in range(1,2): print(str) + (dot)*2 + str for a in range(1,2): print(str) + (str)*2 + str for a in range(1,3): print(str) + (dot)*2 + str #for drawing B elif data == "B": for a in range(4,5): print(str) * a for a in range(1,2): print(str) + (dot)*2 + str for a in range(1,2): print(str) + (str)*3 for a in range(1,2): print(str) + (dot)*2 + str for a in range(1,2): print(str) + (str)*3 #for drawing C elif data == "C": for a in range(4,5): print(str) * a for a in range(1,4): print(str) for a in range(1,2): print(str) + (str)*3 #for drawing D elif data == "D": for a in range(4,5): print(str) * a for a in ra...

Hollow Diamond

Drawing different shapes with the help of coding is quite  enjoyable and interesting. Mostly the first semester students of software engineering encounter with this. so, let us learn, how to draw a hollow diamond using python? First of all declare variables: Diamond consists of two cones , upper cone with pointed top and lower cone with pointed bottom . so let us write the code for the upper cone, but the cone must be hollow: The resultant of this code is as under: Now, write the code for lower hollow cone: The output for this code is: Now, run both the codes simultaneously, and the output is: the reason for this output: This is one of the possibilities of writing code, to get this output. There might be other ways of doing the same task. Keep finding and trying different ways of coding. And do remember: Programming language doesn't matter but logic matters . So, work mainly on logic building .

See The Pattern : Similarity

There are a lot of challenges and issues that demand for similarity measures among the graphs or networks, with the increase in technology the social network is also increasing day by day, therefore there is a need for more speed and more security. When we look at the mutual friends on Facebook, when we browse the internet and find all the related material to our search, or when we go to the doctor for DNA tests, the doctor provides the similarity measures among us and our family members. We wonder that how Amazon, YouTube and other related sites are giving suggestions related to our query. So there comes the concept of Similarity among different things and making clusters of those things that are very much similar.  Network Similarity is a vast field, it enables us to accomplish several mining tasks like visualization, discontinuity detection and clustering. And this require algorithms,  Designing of an algorithm to solve any problem is a big task, after the desig...

How to Advertise ?

I made the following flyers from which you can get some idea about, how to advertise your business, services and events. so, here you go... FLYER # 1: FLYER # 2: FLYER # 3:

Julia : A New Programming Language

After So many programming languages both high level and low level, with different names like python, java, C++ and so on, here comes Julia   with all its colors... It first appeared 6 years ago in 2012, but was not stable at that time. The stable version of Julia has been released on 8th of August, 2018. Julia is a high level programming language, the pattern in which Julia's made is called Multi dispatch . Multi dispatch is the process in programming languages that allow the program to decide which polymorphic method or function needs to run at run time. Julia permits both functional and Object Oriented Programming. The file name extension for Julia is .jl  . Julia also provides the Language Shell where you can write code and see the output.  The good news about Julia is that it is very friendly language, it allows C and FORTRAN libraries to be used in it with just a keyword ccall   .   And more importantly, it can be used with all time favorit...

Simple Web Page : Step by Step

Today I will tell you, how can you create a simple web page using HTML and CSS, step by step. so let's begin.. Make a folder on desktop (for easy access) naming MyFirstWeb . Open any text editor like Notepad etc. Type simple HTML structure in the text editor as: <!DOCTYPE html> <html>         <head>                     <title>                    </title>         </head>                         <body>                         </body> </html> Now save this file in the MyFirstWeb folder by naming it as : index.html You can see the file Icon as of your browser. Click this file to open it in the browser. Edit the above code a...