Palindrome : php

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Words, numbers, digits, or ... anything,  that remain the same as original if we reverse them are Palindromes.
So how could we find if a word or a sentence is palindrome or not? We will use php for this...



    function semiPermeableMembrain($str){
        $str = strtolower($str);
        $split = str_split($str);
        foreach($split as $obstacle){
            if($obstacle == " " || $obstacle == "'" || $obstacle == "." || $obstacle == "," || $obstacle == ";" || $obstacle == ":" || $obstacle == "-" )
             $obstacle = "/$obstacle/";    
             $str = preg_replace($obstacle,'',$str);
    function palindrome($str){
        // wrote that in the above function for simplicity :) 
        //$str = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $str); //to remove spaces
        //$str = preg_replace('/\'/', '', $str); //to remove '
        //$str = preg_replace('/\./','', $str); //to remove .
        //$str = preg_replace('/\,/','', $str); //to remove ,
        $rev = strrev($str);
        if($rev == $str){
            echo "<i>".$str."</i>"." : yes a Palindrome :) <br>";
            echo "<i>".$str."</i>".": not a Palindrome :( <br>";
echo "<br>";
semiPermeableMembrain("A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama");
echo "<br>";
semiPermeableMembrain("Madam I'm Adam");
echo "<br>";
semiPermeableMembrain("Able I, able");
echo "<br>";



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