Google Summer of Code : GSoC 2019

You might have heard of Open Source Projects. I have used this term many times in prior blog posts. Open source projects, as the name suggests are the projects left open by developers, meaning the source code of the project/software is available and you/we can modify that code.
Now the question is why to modify the code? And the answer is that sometimes there could be bugs in the code that needs to be debugged or there might be some improvements needed in the functionality of the software and you could add that functionality to improve the software.

Essence behind OSPs (Open Source Projects)

Basically everything needs improvement, there might be a time that you have developed some software and your software might not be able to provide certain functionality because of lack of resources (technology, knowledge or money, etc). So you keep your project open for other developers (world), and they contribute to your project to enhance the functionality of it.

Now that we have understood what is OSPs, let's jump right into Google Summer of Code or GSoC!

What is GSoC?

GSoC is a platform provided by Google, to contribute to the open source projects.

How GSoC does this?

There are basic two parts of GSoC community:
  1. Organizations
  2. Students
Both the Organizations and the students apply for GSoC. The organizations are those who have/ had some open source project in which they want the students to contribute.Organizations/Individual can act as a mentor to help the students in the project.

How to Apply For GSoC?

In order to apply for GSoC follow these steps:
  • Go to  GSoC website
  • Then Click Get Started Button
  • Then there will be two options
    • Organizations
    • Students
  • Organizations' applications are started on January 15, 2019, so if you have an organization, you can go for it.
  • Students' applications will start on March 25, 2019
  • There is certain eligibility criteria for applying into GSoC as both the organization and the student, you can read it over here.
  • GSoC provides full guide on their website for getting started, you must go and read it if you are up for GSoC 2019 or in future.
  • There is a time-line for GSoC, that will keep you updated regarding the whole process.

GSoC also provided the time-line over here. According to GSoC this is how it works...

Useful Resources...

There is a lot on Internet about GSoC, but if you need concise, precise and well-formed information, then here are some useful resources for you:
If you are willing to go for GSoC. Then JUST DO IT!

Happy Coding!


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