Good Pieces of Advice for Freshers
To let you know a few useful things, I asked some experienced people, and here is what they have for you... Be open to changes. Focus on improving your soft / people skills. It will be hard sometimes but believe in yourself. You have got it. ( Rahat-Undergraduate ) Try to do good in quizzes and OHTs (One hour test or mids) cause when finals don't go well, these can help in getting good gpa which are comparatively easy then finals. ( Ayesha Munir-Undergraduate ) A few years later when you would look back at this time, GPA won't make you happy, but the memories of these 4 years will. Your career is important but so is having a good time. So work hard, party harder! ( Haris-Undergraduate ) From the start try to build your connections with seniors because they know more than you and.. are best counselors.. Focus on your quizzes and assignments because they are the building blocks of your Grade.. Your Good Image play some important part for favoritism points in exam....