
Showing posts from August, 2019

Good Pieces of Advice for Freshers

To let you know a few useful things, I asked some experienced people, and here is what they have for you... Be open to changes. Focus on improving your soft / people skills. It will be hard sometimes but believe in yourself. You have got it. ( Rahat-Undergraduate ) Try to do good in quizzes and OHTs (One hour test or mids) cause when finals don't go well, these can help in getting good gpa which are comparatively easy then finals. ( Ayesha Munir-Undergraduate )   A few years later when you would look back at this time, GPA won't make you happy, but the memories of these 4 years will. Your career is important but so is having a good time. So work hard, party harder! ( Haris-Undergraduate ) From the start try to build your connections with seniors because they know more than you and.. are best counselors.. Focus on your quizzes and assignments because they are the building blocks of your Grade.. Your Good Image play some important part for favoritism points in exam....

You-tube channels for Freshers

Here is a list of a few useful you-tube channels for freshers: 1. Career Help and Study Motivation 2. Study and Organization Tips 1. 2. 3. Vlog 4. Chess Players 5. Foodies 6. Motivational 7. Musical And that's it for now :)

5+ useful mobile applications for freshmen

Make your mobile phones useful! But how?  Here's how... In this blog post, we will have a look at 5+ useful mobile applications. These applications are generally useful for everyone, but freshmen could better use them as they have got plenty of free time, so let's get started... 5+ Mobile Applications 1. Medium This application could be used to read plenty of articles related to a plethora of different topics. Really cool application. 2. Facebook Whaaaaaaaaaat, are you serious?  Wait, wait! Facebook could be useful. Let me explain it to you. Go to Facebook and in the search bar type the name of your subjects, for example, Artificial Intelligence, you will get the groups and pages related to Artificial Intelligence, you may like these pages and you may join the group. After that in your Facebook feed, you will get the updates regarding Artificial Intelligence. In this way, you will remain update regarding your domain. Got it! 3. Sololearn This applicati...

Why to get straight A's in the freshman year ?

Now that you have seen how to get straight A's in the fresher year , you might be thinking; why to get straight A's specifically in the fresher year?  So here is the importance of getting straight A's: In most of the institutes, the fresher year consists of more credit hours than the coming years. So the first year has more stake in your CGPA than any other year.  Good grades, in the beginning, will serve as a motivation for you to perform best in the future, this will increase your morale for improvement and progress. There could be many companies recruiting after the first semester, your better grades will make your way to these companies from the very start. This will allow you to shape your career and to assess your interests.  These are some of the answers to "WHY?". There could be many others. Well, there is no known disadvantage of getting straight A's to my knowledge, so why not to get'em!

How to get straight A's in the Freshman Year?

For most of us, a new semester is right ahead. Especially freshers are just ready to kick off the first semester.  One of the most frequently asked questions by the freshers is, "How to score a 4.0 GPA?" or "How to get straight A's?" So, to let you know the answer to this million-dollar question, I asked a Topper . He is kind enough to share the top  10 tips to get straight A's... and without further ado, let's get started...  10 TIPS Right From The Topper 1. Learn "How to Learn" Learning How to Learn is one of the most popular courses on Coursera: This course will make you a more effective learner, allowing you to make the best use of your study time. 2. Learn to Read your Teacher Observe your teachers' teaching style. Do they give questions mostly from lecture slides?  Or do they have a favorite book? Do their questions mostly rely on rote-learning or are they concep...

Habits to adopt in the freshman year

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. ~Aristotle Have you ever noticed? When you were a kid, your parents used to correct you all the time, whenever you did some mistake. Why did they do so? Because at that time you were growing at the conscience and the sub-conscience level. Your mind was setting some patterns at that time. And today, you are mostly acting out of those patterns. Your parents want great patterns for you, that's why they used to scold you at an early age. The patterns set at that time is what you repeatedly do and that is what we call, "the habit".  Similarly, when you are a fresher you could adopt certain habits that could make or break you in the long run. Every one of us wants to have constructive habits. so here are some habits that you could adopt as a fresher in order to function well in coming years... Habits to Have 1. Googling Search on google for difficult and different concepts. Make it your h...

How to shape your career in the freshman year?

Shaping the career from the very start of your four-year degree program is very important.  Why shape your career from the very start? When you were a child, you were so energetic towards climbing walls, climbing trees, making mud houses, getting your clothes dirty with mud, spoiling the room walls with pencil, breaking toys and doing other mischievous stuff. And  then you get older and wiser. The point is that when you are at the start of your career then you could have a great margin for risk-taking and for trying out different things that you feel passionate about. And in case you get a failure, still you would have plenty of time to start again in a better and effective way. But this demands something beforehand, Prerequisites Attitude One thing that you will require is the attitude. The attitude of giving the right direction to yourself. And Be smart in your decisions. Believe in yourself You must believe in your abilities, your capabilities, an...

How to take notes in Freshman Year ?

Yes, you have to take notes in the university class!  Before talking about the notetaking strategy, we will understand the importance of taking notes. Importance Of Taking Notes No doubt there are a few students who can produce good results without even taking notes in the class. But their number is least. Most of us need to make good notes in the class especially when we are in university. Notes are important because: They help us to keep track of what we have studied in the whole semester. Notes help us to prepare for the exams, in a very short time. We can refer to our notes for short quizzes in the eleventh hour. In addition to reading and listening, writing notes increases the ability to memorize the important concepts. It helps you to realize that you have done something in the class. Now that we have understood Why to take notes? Let's dig into the notetaking strategy  Notes taking Strategies One of my friends Ramlah Aamir Aziz used to take...

Organization Tips for Freshers

Before going into the university or College we used to think that we will manage our university work along with our household work like a pro. But after just two to three days we start losing motivation and the panic sets in.  In this blog post, we will see how could we remain organized in the freshman year of our university. Here I am focusing on the freshman year because if you start in an organized manner then there are higher chances for you to continue being well organized in the years to come. so without further ado, let's get started... TIP#1: Backpack Preparation The most important thing that you will carry with you is your backpack. It must be organized in a way that makes your work easier. So, first of all, try to have a bag in which you can put a laptop, notebooks, and other essential things. Try to put less but necessary items in your bag. TIP#2:  Mobile Management You will probably gonna use a mobile phone at the university. Check the following ite...

Data Analysis : Reading Habit Analysis

Reading in the 21st century? Are you serious !!! Dr. Suess, an American writer once said: The more that you read, the more things you will know. But how? How to read so much! Why read? How to get motivated to read? If you are in search of these answers, then you are on the right page! In the quest to find the answer to the question: “What motivates you to read?”, I asked different people to respond to this question. Initially, I thought to write a simple article based on different responses I got. then I wondered if I could critically analyze the responses. Hm… critically analyze! but, how? Well, in this era when even kids are using Machine Learning for predicting the amount of Eidi they would get from their grandpa, why couldn’t we use Machine Learning for analyzing reading habit of different people. So, to get started with our analysis, we need some material. Things we need Dataset Machine Learning algorithms And I think we wi...

Birthday Time
